- Please put units in names
- Background music
- More music
- Don't validate email addresses with regex - just send an email to validate
- Difference between URL, URI, URN
- URL is an address to a resource. Tells you where to locate
- URI uniquely identifies a resource, but doesn't necessarily locate it
- URN is a URI with
as a schema
- Practicing programming and the reason to automate tasks
- What does code readability mean?
- Why we don't have a staging environment
- General overview to software architecture
- Don't separate engineers by frontend & backend. We are all Product Engineers
- What I've learned from 45 years in software engineering
- Talking in a technical language can exclude people from the conversation that have a reason to contribute
- Opinionated guide to technology techniques, tools, principals etc
- What I want to do as a software developer - create software without all the unnecessary meetings and rubbish that often accompany modern software development
- Lies we tell ourselves about Go
- Learning Rust if you know typescript
- Don't put secrets into env vars. Use something like docker secrets or Azure Key Vault instead
- Logging practices I follow
- Logging best practices