Using `for_each` in Terraform's `dynamic` blocks

The for_each instruction in Terraform allows you to loop a resource or module over a set to create multiple instances. For instance, if you were to do:

variable "vm_instances" {
type = map(object({
location = string
default = {
instance1 = {
location = "East US"
instance2 = {
location = "West US"

resource "azurerm_virtual_machine" "vm_instances" {
for_each = var.vm_instances

name = each.key
location = each.value.location

You would create 2 VMs, one in East US, the other in West US.

However, it is also possible to use the for_each function to loop dynamic blocks within a resource.

As an example of this, I need to create 5 restriction blocks in the PagerDuty Schedule resource type:

resource "pagerduty_schedule" "in_hours_schedule" {
name = "In Hours"

layer {
dynamic "restriction" {
for_each = toset(range(1, 6))

content {
type = "weekly_restriction"
start_day_of_week = restriction.value

There are a couple of things to call out here: